characters x haetae

cian myste

a bunny eared male character with brown skin and red eyes and vitiligo

click on the tabs to learn more about cian!


name cian myste
age ??? (~30 summers)
pronouns he / him
gender trans masculine
race rava viera
height 6'1" / 186cm
weight 131 lbs / 59 kg
origin ??? (dalmasca)
patron god oschon
strength strength 3/5
dexterity dexterity 2/5
magic magic 4/5
speech speech 3/5
knowledge knowledge 4/5

an amnesiac mercenary-for-hire who seems to be on the run from his past as a garlean conscript. he's a polite, friendly, but reserved individual who likes to dress in flashy clothes. though he may be vain and perfectionistic, he worries over the wellbeing of others a lot.


cian grew up in a remote village within the golmorran jungles of dalmasca. he was the eldest of three, and lived a simple, happy life. however, when his sister was slated to be one of the wood-warders, cian volunteered himself in her place so that she could live out her dreams.

about the time when he'd begun settling into his new isolated life, garlemald began its conquest of dalmasca and subsequent attempt to subjugate the rest of the continent. while cian's family preemptively fled, cian and the rest of the wood-warders fought against the garleans.

he was captured and conscripted into the garlean army as part of the xth legion, and then sent off to eorzea. there, during an intense battle, he lost his memory.

he made his way to ul'dah in an attempt to make a living as a mercenary, where a certain someone took notice of him...


  • he's a hired hand who will act as a bodyguard or mercenary for coin - if you have the money, he's all yours (to an extent!)
  • cian has spent some amount of time as a garlean conscript. there's a chance he may've found friends or enemies while he was still with his contingent.
  • he's a bit of an indulgent drunk and likes spending time in bars. he'd be open to anyone who walks up to him and sweet talks him.
  • cian is trying to uncover his lost memories, since more of them are beginning to come back but in very vague flashbacks that give him little to no information. maybe he can meet someone from his past and unravel the mystery of his lost memory!
  • magic is one of the skills cian is trying to really master, with mixed results. a mentor or a peer or a rival to help him along in his journey could be very fun!