journal x haetae

minor updates

it's been a while since i last touched this website and 11ty went thru some updates and i thought i could also do some renovations on my end too. i had a lot of trouble trying to redo the guestbook to make it cleaner in terms of scripting. it gets real mad if i try to introduce a new script file and i can't make it play nice with 11ty filters, so i'll just have to copy-paste some stuff to make it happy.

though what reminded me of this website and why i wanted to update again was because of this hilarious mssg i got (shout out to morpho)

screenshot of morpho's comment: "I DIDNT THINK IT WOULC SEND THREE TIMES OMG IM SORRY"

i wanted to save this before i cleaned up my guestbook entries bcs i thought it was the funniest thing i've seen all month. ilu so much, i hope ur having a wonderful day LMAO

i've been back at the grind with webdev and coding stuff, making little games where i can. i also tried to make a pomodoro game, but fell short right as i got all the mechanics working bcs i couldn't make a functioning save/load system in godot without it crashing on me. it definitely taught me not to overlook an important feature from the beginning.

right now i'm working on a mini turn-based rpg, and hopefully it'll be less groan-inducing than the last project.